

CNR Istituto di Neuroscienze
Via Vanvitelli 32
20129 Milano
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Studi compiuti
1993 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano
1993 Abilitazione alla professione medica e iscrizione all’Ordine Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri, Milano
1998 Dottorato di ricerca in Farmacologia e Tossicologia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano

Esperienze all’estero
- 1998-2001 Postdoctoral research fellow presso il laboratorio di Morgan Sheng al Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA
- Giugno 2002-Luglio 2002 Visiting scientist presso The Picower Center for Learning and Memory and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA

Attuale posizione e incarichi
- Ricercatore CNR presso l’Istituto di Neuroscienze dal Novembre 2001 al Dicembre 2005
- Primo ricercatore CNR dal Gennaio 2006 presso l’Istituto di Neuroscienze
- Pagina Web:

Docenza in corsi universitari
- Docente a conttratto al corso elettivo “Biologia cellulare e molecolare della sinapsi”, per il corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università Vita-Salute, San Raffele, Milano nell’anno accademico 2002-2003
- Docente a contratto al corso di Farmacologia Generale, per il corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università Vita-Salute, San Raffele, Milano per gli anni accademici: 2006-2007, 2007- 2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012
- Docente a contratto al corso di Neurobiologia per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Molecolare, Università degli Studi di Milano dall’anno accademico 2004-2005 al corrente anno accademico
- Dal 2002 supervisione alla tesi di laurea triennale o specialistica di 15 studenti e supervisione alla tesi di dottorato di 11 studenti

Attività di referaggio (continuativa dal Gennaio 2002)
Corrente attività di referaggio per le seguenti riviste scientifiche:
Science, Neuron, Journal of Cell Biology, PNAS, Molecular Psychiatry, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Cell Science, EMBO Journal, Neuroscience, Human Molecular Genetics, Biological Psychiatry, European Journal of Neuroscience, PLoS-ONE, Journal of Neurochemistry, Human Mutation, Trends Cell Biol, Frontiers Journals, BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Experimental Neurology, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Molecular Neurobiology, Developmental Neurobiology, BMC Neuroscience, Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis, Hippocampus, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, PROTEOMICS - Clinical Applications
Corrente attività di referaggio per le seguenti organizzazioni di finanziamento alla ricerca: s Association, Ministero della Salute, Ministero della Ricerca Scientifica, Human Frontiers Science Program, F.R.S.-FNRS, INSERM France, CNRS France, ANR France, National Science Centre Poland, Research Grants Council Hong Kong, German Research Foundation
Germania, MRC Regno Unito, Auckland Medical Research Foundation Nuova Zelanda, Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Veni Olanda.

Partecipazione a Comitati di Redazione (Editorial Board)
- Review editor di Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience dal 15/11/2007 al 11/02/2015
- Review editor di Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience dal 11/02/2009
- Review editor di Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience dal 15/02/2014
- Handling editor di Journal of Neurochemistry dal 01/01/2013
- Associated editor di Journal of Neuroscience dal 01/01/2013
- Associate editor di Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience dal 11/02/2015
- Editore di: Synaptic Plasticity, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2012, Volume 970, Part 4, 433-449, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7091-0932-8_19
- Editore di: Synaptic Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability, in uscita nel 2016

Riconoscimenti Scientifici e Premi
- Premio "Domenico Libro" per miglior tesi di laurea in Farmacologia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano 1995
- 1998 Borsa di studio CNR per l’estero,
- 2000 Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation Career Development Award

Lezioni magistrali ad invito (invited lectures, Keynote) a congressi internazionali e nazionali
Negli ultimi dieci anni più di 25 seminari su invito in Istituzioni Nazionali ed Internazionali e relatore di simposio su invito a più di 20 incontri o congressi nazionali e internazionali, tra cui:
- 17th International Workshop on Fragile X and other Early Onset Cognitive Disorders" taking place at the IGBMC September 27-30
- 58th Annual meeting of the Japanese society for Neurochemistry Omiya, Saitama-shi, September 11-13, 2015, Japan
- International meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Rceptor, Taormina 2014 Synapses and Dendritic Spines in Health and Disease, Buenos Aires 2013 Emerging Topics in Synapse Function: Molecular Cancun, 2013 nde, Germania, 2010
- FENS Forum 2008, Geneva Switzerland, 2008
- SFB 497 Symposium, Ulm Germany, 2007
- SINS 2007, Italian Society of Neuroscience 2007 Congress, Verona, 2007
- 2nd Westerburg Symposium on Molecular Dynamics of the Chemical Synapse Westerburg, Germania, Agosto 20-23, 2007 Aprile 1, 2007- 7th Biennial Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry, Singapore, Luglio 2-5, 2006
-ISN ESN 20th Biennial Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, Agosto 21-26, 2005
-7th ISN Advanced School of Neurochemistry in Obergurgl, Austria, Agosto 17-21, 2005
-Computational Systems Biology of the Neuronal Cell, SISSA-ICTP, Trieste, Dicembre 6-10, 2004
-1st Westerburg Symposium Spinogenesis and Synaptic Plasticity, Westerburg, Germania, Agosto 23-26, 2004
-Meccanismi Molecolari in Neuroscienze, Milano Giugno 17-18, 2004
-EURESCO Conference on "The Representation of the Memory Trace" Obernai, Francia Maggio 14-19, 2004
-The Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI): "Molecular Neuroscience", Hong Kong, Cina, Gennaio 6-11, 2002

- Brevetto internazionale: PCT/IB2007/001413 (WO/2007/138455) POLYPEPTIDES DERIVED FROM THE HEMOPEXIN-LIKE DOMAIN OF METALLOPROTEINASE MMP-2. Filed on 30 May, 2007. Inventori: BIKFALVI A; SALA C; BELLO; L
- Brevetto italiano: TO2011A000169-(I0143261) BRE-mma "Modulatori allosterici positivi di mGlur5" filed on 28 February, 2011. Inventori: DITYATEV A; DVORETSKOVA E; SALA C; VERPELLI C

Progetti finanziati (principali)
2001-2005 Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation Career Development Grant, coordinatore
2004-2006 European Community, SYNSCAF project, STREP action VI° program, responsabile di
unità, Coordinato da Monica Di luca
2006-2008 Telethon Foundation, Italy, coordinatore di progetto multicentrico
2007-2008 CARIPLO Foundation, Italy, coordinatore di progetto multicentrico
2007-2009 CNR-RTSL, coordinatore
2008-2009 PRIN2007, responsabile di unità
2008-2009 Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, responsabile di unità
2008-2010 CARIPLO Foundation, Italy, responsabile di unità
2009-2011 Telethon Foundation, Italy, responsabile di unità
2010-2013 FP7, Marie Curie Action, responsabile di una unità, Coordinato da Monica Di luca
2010-2012 IIT-seed grant, responsabile di unità
2010-2012 Regione Lombardia-International Cooperation, TERDISMENTAL project, coordinatore
2011-2013 AIRC, Italy, coordinator
2011-2013 ERA-NET NEURON, EU, coordinatore di progetto multicentrico
2012-2014 Telethon Foundation, Italy, coordinatore di progetto multicentrico
2012-2014 Regione Lombardia-Industrial Cooperation, NUTEC project, responsabile di unità
2013-2016 PRIN2012, responsabile di unità, Coordinato da Monica Di luca
2013-2015 CARIPLO Foundation, Italy, responsabile di unità
2013-2016 Telethon Foundation, Italy, responsabile di unità
2013-2015 Regione Lombardia-CNR project 2013, responsabile di unità
2014-2015 Fondation Jerome Lejeune research grant, coordinatore

Articoli Pubblicati a stampa su giornali scientifici censiti dal JCRNumero lavori totali: 77
Numero di citazioni totale: 5688
Numero citazioni media per lavoro: 72
H-index: 36
Impact Factor medio: 8
I dati sono stati ricavati da: ISI Web of Knowlodge, Thomson Reuters
Profilo su Google Scholar:
Elenco pubblicazioni princiali
• C Sala, C Vicidomini, I Bigi, A Mossa, C Verpelli (2015) Shank synaptic scaffold proteins: Keys to understanding the pathogenesis of autism and other synaptic disorders, Journal of neurochemistry (in press)
• Ramos-Brossier M, Montani C, Lebrun N, Gritti L, Martin C, Seminatore-Nole C, Toussaint A, Moreno S, Poirier K, Dorseuil O, Chelly J, Hackett A, Gecz J, Bieth E, Faudet A, Heron D, Kooy RF, Loeys B, Humeau Y, Sala C, Billuart P (2014) Novel IL1RAPL1 mutations associated with intellectual disability impair synaptogenesis. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Oct 9. pii: ddu523. [Epub ahead of print] IF 6.677
• Carlessi L, Fusar Poli E, Bechi G, Mantegazza M, Pascucci B, Narciso L, Dogliotti E, Sala C, Verpelli C, Lecis D, Delia D. (2014) Functional and molecular defects of hiPSC-derived neurons from patients with ATM deficiency. Cell Death Dis. 2014 Jul 17;5:e1342. doi:10.1038/cddis.2014.310. IF 5.177
• Sala C, Segal M (2014) Dendritic spines: the locus of structural and functional plasticity. Physiological Reviews 94(1):141-188. IF 29.041
• Heise C, Gardoni F, Culotta L, di Luca M, Verpelli C, Sala C (2014) Elongation factor-2 phosphorylation in dendrites and the regulation of dendritic mRNA translation in neurons. Front Cell Neurosci. Feb 10;8:35. eCollection 2014. IF 4.2
• Verpelli C, Schmeisser MJ, Sala C. (2014) Spikar speaks to spines and nuclei. J Neurochem. 2014 Feb;128(4):473-5. doi: 10.1111/jnc.12488. IF 4.244
• Studtmann K, Olschläger-Schütt J, Buck F, Richter D, Sala C, Bockmann J, Kindler S, Kreienkamp HJ. (2014) A non-canonical initiation site is required for efficient translation of the dendritically localized Shank1 mRNA. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 12;9(2):e88518. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088518. IF 3.534
• Pischedda F, Szczurkowska J, Cirnaru MD, Giesert F, Vezzoli E, Ueffing M, Sala C, Francolini M, Hauck SM, Cancedda L, Piccoli G A (2014) Cell Surface Biotinylation Assay to Reveal Membrane-associated Neuronal Cues: Negr1 Regulates Dendritic Arborization. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2014 Mar;13(3):733-48 IF 7.254
• Cirnaru MD, Marte A, Belluzzi E, Russo I, Gabrielli M, Longo F, Arcuri L, Murru L, Bubacco L, Matteoli M, Fedele E, Sala C, Passafaro M, Morari M, Greggio E, Onofri F, Piccoli G. (2014) LRRK2 kinase activity regulates synaptic vesicle trafficking and neurotransmitter release through modulation of LRRK2 macro-molecular complex. Front Mol Neurosci. 2014 May 27;7:49. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2014.00049. eCollection 2014.
• Piccoli G, Onofri F, Cirnaru MD, Kaiser CJ, Jagtap P, Kastenmüller A, Pischedda F, Marte A, von Zweydorf F, Vogt A, Giesert F, Pan L, Antonucci F, Kiel C, Zhang M, Weinkauf S, Sattler M, Sala C, Matteoli M, Ueffing M, Gloeckner CJ. (2014) Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 binds to neuronal vesicles through protein interactions mediated by its C-terminal WD40 domain. Mol Cell Biol. 34(12):2147-61. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00914-13. Epub 2014 Mar 31. IF 5.036
• Yuan T, Mameli M, O’Connor EC, Dey P, Verpelli C, Sala C, Perez-Otano I, Lüscher C, Bellone C. (2013) Expression of cocaine-evoked synaptic plasticity by GluN3A-containingNMDA receptors. Neuron 80(4):1025-38. IF 15.9825
• Verpelli C, Carlessi L, Bechi G, Poli EF, Orellana D, Heise C, Franceschetti S, Mantegazza R, Mantegazza M, Delia D, Sala C. (2013) Comparative neuronal differentiation of self-renewing neural progenitor cell lines obtained from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Front Cell Neurosci. 2013 Oct 7;7:175 IF 4.2
• Toffolo E, Rusconi F, Paganini L, Tortorici M, Pilotto S, Heise C, Verpelli C, Tedeschi G, Maffioli E, Sala C, Mattevi A, Battaglioli E.Phosphorylation of neuronal LSD1/KDM1A (Lysine Specific Demethylase 1) impairs transcriptional repression by regulating interaction with CoREST and histone acetylase HDAC1/2. (2013) J Neurochem. 2013 Sep 20. doi: 10.1111/jnc.12457. IF 4.244
• Verpelli C, Montani C, Vicidomini C, Heise C, Sala C (2013) Mutations of the synapse genes and intellectual disability syndromes. Eur J Pharmacol. doi:pii: S0014-2999(13)00545-1. 10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.07.023. IF 2.684
• Mameza MG, Dvoretskova E, Bamann M, Hoenck HH, Guler T, Boeckers TM, Schoen M, Verpelli C, Sala C, Barsukov I, Dityatev A, Kreienkamp HJ. (2013) SHANK3 mutations associated with autism facilitate ligand binding to the Shank3 Ankyrin repeat region. J Biol Chem, 288(37):26697-708. IF 4.600
• Verpelli C, Galimberti I, Gomez-Mancilla B, Sala C (2013) Molecular basis for prospective pharmacological treatment strategies in intellectual disability syndromes. Dev Neurobiol. doi: 10.1002/dneu.22093. IF 4.189
• Penzes P, Buonanno A, Passafaro M, Sala C, Sweet RA (2013) Developmental vulnerability of synapses and circuits associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. J Neurochem, 126(2):165-82. IF 4.244
• Ricciardi S, Ungaro F, HambrocK M, Rademacher N, Stefanelli G, Brambilla D, Sessa A, Magagnotti C, Bachi A, Giarda E, Verpelli C, Kilstrup-Nielsen C, Sala C, Kalscheuer VM, Broccoli V (2012) CDKL5 ensures excitatory synapse stability by reinforcing NGL-1-PSD95 interaction in the postsynaptic compartment. Nat Cell Biol, 14:911-23 IF 20.058
• Cea V, Sala C, Verpelli C. (2012) Antiangiogenic Therapy for Glioma. J Signal Transduct. 2012;2012:483040. Epub 2012 Jul 8.
• Gardoni F, Saraceno C, Malinverno M, Marcello E, Verpelli C, Sala C, Di Luca M. (2012) The neuropeptide PACAP38 induces dendritic spine remodeling through ADAM10-N-cadherin signaling pathway. J Cell Sci. 125(Pt 6):1401-6. doi: 10.1242/jcs.097576. IF 5.3
• Bassani S, Cingolani LA, Valnegri P, Folci A, Zapata J, Gianfelice A, Sala C, Goda Y, Passafaro M. (2012) The X-linked intellectual disability protein TSPAN7 regulates excitatory synapse development and AMPAR trafficking. Neuron. 73(6):1143-58. IF 15.982
• Verpelli C, Sala C (2012) Molecular and synaptic defects in intellectual disability syndromes. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 22(3):530-6. IF 6.765
• Valnegri P, Montrasio C, Brambilla D, Ko J, Passafaro M, Sala C (2011) The X-linked intellectual disability protein IL1RAPL1 regulates excitatory synapse formation by binding PTP{delta} and RhoGAP2. Hum Mol Genet. 20:4797-809. IF 6.677
• Valnegri P, Khelfaoui M, Dorseuil O, Bassani S, Lagneaux C, Gianfelice A, Benfante R, Chelly J, Billuart P, Sala C, Passafaro M (2011) A circadian clock in hippocampus is regulated by interaction between oligophrenin-1 and Rev-erbα. Nat Neurosci. 14:1293-301. IF 14.976
• Piccoli G, Condliffe SB, Bauer M, Giesert F, Boldt K, De Astis S, Meixner A, Sarioglu H, Vogt- Weisenhorn DM, Wurst W, Gloeckner CJ, Matteoli M, Sala C, Ueffing M (2011) LRRK2 controls synaptic vesicle storage and mobilization within the recycling pool. J Neurosci 31:2225-2237. IF 6.747
• Verpelli C, Dvoretskova E, Vicidomini C, Rossi F, Chiappalone M, Schoen M, Di Stefano B, Mantegazza R, Broccoli V, Boeckers TM, Dityatev A, Sala C (2011) Importance of shank3 in regulating metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) expression and signaling at synapses. J Biol Chem. 286:34839-50. IF 4.600• Verpelli C, Piccoli G, Zibetti C, Zanchi A, Gardoni F, Huang K, Brambilla D, Di Luca M, Battaglioli E, Sala C. (2010) Synaptic activity controls dendritic spine morphology by modulating eEF2-dependent BDNF synthesis. J Neurosci. 30(17):5830-42 IF 6.747
• Malinverno M, Carta M, Epis R, Marcello E, Verpelli C, Cattabeni F, Sala C, Mulle C, Di Luca M, Gardoni F. Synaptic localization and activity of ADAM10 regulate excitatory synapses through N-cadherin cleavage. J Neurosci. 2010 Dec 1;30(48):16343 55. IF 6.747
• Verpelli C, Bertani G, Cea V, Patti M, Bikfalvi A, Bello L, Sala C (2010) Anti-angiogenic therapy induces integrin-linked kinase 1 up-regulation in a mouse model of glioblastoma. PLoS One. 2010 Oct 29;5(10):e13710 IF 3.534
• Zibetti C, Adamo A, Binda C, Forneris F, Toffolo E, Verpelli C, Ginelli E, Mattevi A, Sala C, Battaglioli E. Alternative splicing of the histone demethylase LSD1/KDM1 contributes to the modulation of neurite morphogenesis in the mammalian nervous system. J Neurosci. 30:2521-
32. IF 6.747
• Pedretti M, Verpelli C, Mårlind J, Bertani G, Sala C, Neri D, Bello L. (2010) Combination of temozolomide with immunocytokine F16-IL2 for the treatment of glioblastoma. Br J Cancer. 2010 Sep 7;103(6):827-36. IF 4.817
• Pavlowsky P, Gianfelice A, Pallotto M, Zanchi A, Vara H, Khelfaoui M, Valnegri P, Rezai X, Bassani S, Brambilla D, Kumpost J, Blahos J, Roux MJ, Humeau Y, Chelly J, Passafaro M, Giustetto M, Billuart P, Sala C. (2010). The IL1RAPL1 protein, involved in cognitive deficit, interacts with PSD-95 and controls its phosphorylation by JNK to regulate synaptic function. Curr Biol. 20(2):103-15. IF 9.916
• Han K, Kim M-H, Seeburg D, Seo J, Verpelli C, Han S, Chung SH, Ko J, Lee HW, Kim K, Heo WD, Meyer T, Kim H, Sala C, Choi S-Y, Sheng M, Kim E (2009) Regulated RalBP1 Binding to RalA and PSD-95 Controls AMPA Receptor Endocytosis and LTD. PLoS Biol 7(9):e1000187 IF 11.771
• Saidi A, Hagedorn M, Allain N, Verpelli C, Sala C, Bello L, Bikfalvi A, Javerzat S. (2009) Combined targeting of interleukin-6 and vascular endothelial growth factor potently inhibits glioma growth and invasiveness. Int J Cancer. 125:1054-64. IF 5.007
• Hayashi, M. K., Tang, C., Verpelli, C., Narayanan, R., Stearns, M. H., Xu, R. M., Li, H., Sala, C., and Hayashi, Y. (2009). The postsynaptic density proteins Homer and Shank form a polymeric network structure. Cell 137, 159-171. IF 33.116
• Arstikaitis, P., Gauthier-Campbell, C., Carolina Gutierrez Herrera, R., Huang, K., Levinson, J. N., Murphy, T. H., Kilimann, M. W., Sala, C., Colicos, M. A., and El-Husseini, A. (2008). Paralemmin-1, a modulator of filopodia induction is required for spine maturation. Mol Biol Cell 19, 2026-2038. IF 4.548
• Candiani, G., Pezzoli, D., Cabras, M., Ristori, S., Pellegrini, C., Kajaste-Rudnitski, A., Vicenzi, E., Sala, C., and Zanda, M. (2008). A dimerizable cationic lipid with potential for gene delivery. J Gene Med 10, 637-645. IF 1.953
• Hung, A. Y., Futai, K., Sala, C., Valtschanoff, J. G., Ryu, J., Woodworth, M. A., Kidd, F. L., Sung, C. C., Miyakawa, T., Bear, M. F., et al. (2008). Smaller dendritic spines, weaker synaptic transmission, but enhanced spatial learning in mice lacking Shank1. J Neurosci 28, 1697-1708.
IF 6.747
• Sala, C., Cambianica, I., and Rossi, F. (2008). Molecular mechanisms of dendritic spine development and maintenance. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars) 68, 289-304. IF 2.244
• Gardoni F, Mauceri D, Marcello E, Sala C, Di Luca M, Jeromin A. (2007). SAP97 directs the localization of KV4.2 to spines in hippocampal neurons: Regulation by camkII. J Biol Chem. IF 4.600
• Piccoli G, Verpelli C, Tonna N, Romorini S, Alessio M, Nairn AC, Bachi A, Sala C. (2007). Proteomic analysis of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons. J Proteome Res 6:3203-3215. IF 5.001
• Saglietti L, Dequidt C, Kamieniarz K, Rousset MC, Valnegri P, Thoumine O, Beretta F, Fagni L, Choquet D, Sala C, Sheng M, Passafaro M. (2007) Extracellular interactions between GluR2 and N-cadherin in spine regulation. Neuron 54: 461-77 IF 15.982
• Beri S, Tonna N, Menozzi G, Bonaglia MC, Sala C, Giorda R. (2007) DNA methylation regulates tissue-specific expression of Shank3. J Neurochem 101: 1380-91. IF 4.244
• Marcello E, Gardoni F, Mauceri D, Romorini S, Jeromin A, Epis R, Borroni B, Cattabeni F, Sala C, Padovani A, Di Luca M (2007) Synapse-associated protein-97 mediates alpha-secretase ADAM10 trafficking and promotes its activity. J Neurosci 27: 1682-91. IF 6.747
• Ferrari F, Mercaldo V, Piccoli G, Sala C, Cannata S, Achsel T, Bagni C. (2007) The fragile X mental retardation protein-RNP granules show an mGluR-dependent localization in the postsynaptic spines. Mol Cell Neurosci 34:343-54. IF 3.734
• Candiani G, Frigerio M, Viani F, Verpelli C, Sala C, Chiamenti L, Zaffaroni N, Folini M, Sani M, Panzeri W, Zanda M. (2007) Dimerizable redox-sensitive triazine-based cationic lipids for in vitro gene delivery. ChemMedChem. 2:292-6. IF 3.046
• Gerrow G, Romorini R, Nabi SM, Colicos MA, Sala C, El-Husseini A. (2006) A preformed complex of postsynaptic proteins is involved in excitatory synapse development. Neuron 49:547-62. IF 15.982
• Ko J, Yoon C, Piccoli G, Chung HS, Kim K, Lee JR, Lee JW, Kim J, Sala C, Kim E (2006) Organization of the presynaptic active zone by ERC2/CAST1-dependent clustering of the tandem PDZ protein syntenin-1. J Neurosci 26:963-70. IF 6.747
• Sala C, Roussignol G, Meldolesi J, Fagni L (2005) Key role of the PSD scaffold proteins, Shank and Homer, in the functional architecture of Ca2+ homeostasis at dendritic spines in hippocampal neurons. J Neurosci 25:4587-92 IF 6.747
• Roussignol G, Ango F, Romorini S, Tu JC, Sala C, Worley PF, Bockaert J, Fagni L (2005) Shank expression is sufficient to induce functional dendritic spine synapses in aspiny neurons. J Neurosci 25:3560-3570. IF 6.747
• Beretta F, Sala C, Saglietti L, Sheng M, Passafaro M (2004). NSF interaction is important for direct insertion of GluR2 at synaptic sites. Mol Cell Neurosi 28:650-660 IF 3.734
• Romorini S, Piccoli G, Jiang M, Grossano P, Tonna N, Passafaro M, Zhang M, Sala C (2004) Multimerization and interaction with PSD-95/GKAP regulate the association of Shank with synapses. J Neurosci 24:9391-404. IF 6.747
• Sala C, Futai K, Yamamoto K, Worley PF, Hayashi Y, Sheng M (2003) Inhibition of dendritic spine morphogenesis and synaptic transmission by activity-inducible protein Homer1a. J Neurosci 23:6327-6337. IF 6.747
• Passafaro M, Nakagawa T, Sala C, Sheng M (2003) Induction of dendritic spines by an extracellular domain of AMPA receptor subunit GluR2. Nature 424:677-681. IF 42.351
• Long JF, Tochio H, Wang P, Fan JS, Sala C, Niethammer M, Sheng M, Zhang M (2003) Supramodular structure and synergistic target binding of the N-terminal tandem PDZ domains of PSD-95. J Mol Biol 327:203-214. IF 3.959
• Sala C (2002) Molecular regulation of dendritic spine shape and function. Neurosignals 11:213- 223. IF 4.026
• Sala C, Piech V, Wilson NR, Passafaro M, Liu G, Sheng M (2001) Regulation of dendritic spine morphology and synaptic function by Shank and Homer. Neuron 31:115-130. IF 15.982
• Sheng M, Sala C (2001) PDZ domains and the organization of supramolecular complexes. Annu Rev Neurosci 24:1-29. IF 22.660
• Lim S, Sala C, Yoon J, Park S, Kuroda S, Sheng M, Kim E (2001) Sharpin, a novel postsynaptic density protein that directly interacts with the shank family of proteins. Mol Cell Neurosci 17:385-397. IF 3.734• Sava A, Barisone I, Di Mauro D, Fumagalli G, Sala C (2001) Modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor turnover by tyrosine phosphorylation in rat myotubes. Neurosci Lett 313:37-40. IF 2.055
• Sala C, Rudolph-Correia S, Sheng M (2000) Developmentally regulated NMDA receptordependent dephosphorylation of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in hippocampal neurons. J Neurosci 20:3529-3536. IF 6.747
• Naisbitt S, Valtschanoff J, Allison DW, Sala C, Kim E, Craig AM, Weinberg RJ, Sheng M (2000) Interaction of the postsynaptic density-95/guanylate kinase domain-associated protein complex with a light chain of myosin-V and dynein. J Neurosci 20:4524-4534. IF 6.747
• Li P, Kerchner GA, Sala C, Wei F, Huettner JE, Sheng M, Zhuo M (1999) AMPA receptor-PDZ interactions in facilitation of spinal sensory synapses. Nat Neurosci 2:972-977. IF 14.976
• Naisbitt S, Kim E, Tu JC, Xiao B, Sala C, Valtschanoff J, Weinberg RJ, Worley PF, Sheng M (1999) Shank, a novel family of postsynaptic density proteins that binds to the NMDA receptor/PSD-95/GKAP complex and cortactin. Neuron 23:569-582. IF 15.982
• Passafaro M, Sala C, Niethammer M, Sheng M (1999) Microtubule binding by CRIPT and its potential role in the synaptic clustering of PSD-95. Nat Neurosci 2:1063-1069. IF 14.976
• Sala C, Sheng M (1999) The fyn art of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor phosphorylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:335-337. IF 9.809
• Sala C, Francolini M, Di Mauro D, Fumagalli G (1998) Role of subunit composition in determining acetylcholine receptor degradation rates in rat myotubes. Neurosci Lett 256:1-4. IF 2.055
• Sala C, O'Malley J, Xu R, Fumagalli G, Salpeter MM (1997) Epsilon subunit-containing acetylcholine receptors in myotubes belong to the slowly degrading population. J Neurosci 17:8937-8944. IF 6.747
• Passafaro M, Rosa P, Sala C, Clementi F, Sher E (1996) N-type Ca2+ channels are present in secretory granules and are transiently translocated to the plasma membrane during regulated exocytosis. J Biol Chem 271:30096-30104. IF 4.600
• Sala C, Kimura I, Santoro G, Kimura M, Fumagalli G (1996) Expression of two neuronal nicotinic receptor subunits in innervated and denervated adult rat muscle. Neurosci Lett 215:71-74. IF 2.055
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• Michael R. Kreutz and Carlo Sala Editors (2012) Synaptic Plasticity. Adv Exp Med Biol. Springer Edition
• Valnegri P, Sala C, Passafaro M. (2012) Synaptic dysfunction and intellectual disability. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;970:433-49.
• Verpelli C, Schmeisser MJ, Sala C, Boeckers TM. (2012) Scaffold proteins at the postsynaptic density. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;970:29-61.
• Romorini S, Piccoli G. Sala C. (2006) Regulation of dendritic spine morphology abd synaptic function by scaffoldibg proteins. In: Molecular mechanisms of synaptogenesis. Springer Edition, edited by Dityatev A, El-Husseini A.

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